CHRYSOCOLLA / MALACHITE - Ethically Sourced from THE CONGO a
CHRYSOCOLLA ( museum quality specimen ) Classic Botryoidal Mass Formation, common in Malachite..
Ancient Egyptian Lapidaries called Chrysocolla Gold Glue because it was used to connect gold prices. When the chrysocolla base is heated and a reducing agent is added copper is created and used in a recipe for gold solder. Chrysocolla and Malachite were both found in Egyptian Mines.
A powerful detox. Hidden under pillows it prevents nightmares.
Deep relief from emotional trama , Renewal of strength and balance . A keep yo mouth shut stone when silence would yeld better results. Great inner strength during stressful times. Promotes harmony by helping one to release the distress culminating from negative emotions… animosity, indignation, jealousy. Chrysocolla works to eliminate negativity from people and places… re stables and rebuilds.
Physiological Correspondences:
pancreas, insulin regulation, muscular regions of arms, legs, back and abdomen. Helps with blood disorders and cellular inadequacies. Aids Lungs: tuberculosis, asthma,emphysema…re-oxygenates cells, eases spasms, cramps and tics. Stimulates Metabolism and helps move heavy metals out of the body. Throat and Thyroid Gland, Reprodctive System Health Vibrates to 5
Gemini, Virgo & Taurus
The Stone Of Transformation. Holds A mirror to the self assisting in awareness of old personas, people and scenarios that are not in alignment with your highest self, even the self.
Assists in changing situations. Prepares one for the receiving of sacred information for the evolution of self. Clears and activates all chakras . Stimulating Heart and Throat Especially. The creator of unobstructed paths. A magnet for wealth and decadence. CORRECTS RNA/ DNA 🧬
Physiological correspondences: mucous membranes, kidneys, bladder, and blood . Strengthens Veins, Boost Immunity, Amazing for Child Birth. Very Strong Medicine against the dark arts, envy and poverty
Vibrates to number 9
Capricorn & Scorpio
Often Being found together due to the fact that both are secondary minerals in places were copper is found. both can be used to alchemize copper.
Super Powerful Team
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